BASHA History


BASHA began in 1971 as an informal group of professionals meeting bi-monthly. In 1973, the group became formally known as the Mobile Speech and Hearing Association (MSHA). By 1991, MSHA was operating under the name of Bay Area Speech & Hearing Association (BASHA).


In 1971, the coffee room of the Rotary Rehabilitation Center became the gathering place, bi-monthly, of area speech-language pathologists and audiologists Interested in exchanging ideas. Kay Braehin (Rotary Center S. Path.) and Bryce Evans (U. of S.A. S. Path.) were the co-chairmen of this group for two years,


In 1973 this informal group decided to adopt a name and to elect formal officers. Jim Golden (Public School S. Path.) was elected President; Fredda Crenshaw (U. of S. A. S. Path.) was Vice-President; and Jim McDill (private practice audiologist) was Secretary/Treasurer.


The 1974 - 75 officers were instrumental in bringing the State Speech and Hearing Association to Mobile for the first time, when the two groups co-hosted that year*s SHAA meeting, with Dr. Doris Bradley as the featured speaker. The MSHA officers were Debbie Crabtree (Brewer Center S. Path.), President; Jim McDill (private practice audiologist), Vice-President; Doris Garrett (Rotary S. Path.), Secretary; and Vernell Forman (Public School S. Path), Treasurer. These same officers, and the club membership, concluded that one-year terms of office were not as practical as were two-year terms of office, noting that by the time the officers knew how to organize things they were out of office.

Therefore, it was decided that future elections would be for two-year terms of office.


The 1975 - 77 officers were: Vernell Forman (Public School S. Path.), President; Bryce Evans (U. of S. A. S. Path.), Vice-President; Cathi Window (Brewer Center S. Path.), Secretary; and Libby Allan (Rotary Center S. Path.), Treasurer. Under the leadership of Bryce Evans, a committee of these four persons drafted a constitution for the Mobile Speech and Hearing Association, which the membership approved. Hence, the more organized former coffee conclave became a true association.


The 1977 - 79 officers were: Dan Sellers (U. of S. A. audiologist), President; Rhonda Cornell (Public School S. Path, for the Deaf), Vice-President; Susan Boney (Public School S. Path.), Secretary; and (unnamed), Treasurer.


The 1979 - 81 officers were: Cathi Windom (Public School, then private practice S. Path.), President; Meg Mattei (Public School S. Path.), Vice-President; Debbie Harris (Public School S. Path., appointed after Jane Fugue, Rotary Center audiologist, resigned), Secretary; and Stephanie United (Brewer Center audiologist), Treasurer, 79-80; Lisa Austin (Public School S. Path.), Treasurer, 80-81. The Spring Meetings these years featured Dr. Sol Adler (noted S. Path, in the area of language development) and Dr. Lee Chalhub (area pediatric neurologist).


The 1981 - 83 officers were: Debra Dwight (Public School S. Path), President; Fredda Crenshaw (U. of S. A. S. Path.), Vice-President; Susan Boney (Pre-School for the Deaf instructor), Secretary; and Lisa Austin (Public School S. Path.), Treasurer.